
Technologies: Velcura can grow human bone outside the body (ex
vivo) using a rapid (7 – 10 days) and reliable method (Figure 1).
From this, we discover therapeutic targets for bone disorders such as
osteoporosis, bone cancer, bone fractures, and other diseases of bone.
Velcura applies rapid molecular and biological bone assays, and bioinformatic
analysis to the systematic discovery of the genes, biological pathways,
and drug candidates that accelerate bone formation. With this approach,
Velcura can rapidly identify and validate new therapeutic targets.
Vivo Bone Formation. Our ability to grow human bone cells allows
the careful dissection of the molecular control of bone formation. Both
bone precursor cells, and mature bone cells are isolated from human bone,
and used in bone-forming assays, bone cell functional assays, and gene
and proteinexpression assays. Thus, the effects of small molecules, biologicals,
or genes are readily and rapidly determined.
recent advances in technology have made Velcura the industry leader in
discovering molecular targets for stimulating bone formation. This is
due to our strong patent position that makes us the sole source for the
technology of forming human bone outside the body. Velcura thus holds
the key to efficient discovery of bone growth-promoting therapeutics:
- The only in vitro, cell-based bone formation assay for human
bone growth-promoting substances.
- Facilitation of both drug discovery and identification of critical
molecular targets for bone disease.
- Multiple patents with broad claims; exclusively licensed to Velcura.
Bone Therapy System (HBTS). Velcura has developed a high content,
cell-based screening assay system to rapidly identify bone-active molecules,
using human bone cells as a target. As well, a number of reproducible,
highly sensitive assays are used to determine whether bone-active molecules
affect bone cell enzymatic expression, maturational characteristics, and
proliferation capacity. Velcura has pioneered the use of fluorescence-activated
cell sorting as a means for multi-parameter analysis of bone cells in
this regard.
Gene Expression Analysis. The company is constructing and populating
a number of databases that collect and track information on the changes
in gene expression during bone formation. These databases include information
on genetic alterations occurring in normal bone formation, bone injury
and repair, and a number of bone diseases including bone cancer, osteoporosis,
and Paget's Disease. Each database will consist of multiple individual
gene expression profiles for each medical condition, thus allowing simultaneous
identification of individual variations as well as composites. As part
of this program, Velcura is developing an OsteoChip™ (expected completion
1st quarter 2004) that contains all genes differentially modulated during
human bone formation. This approach will rapidly accelerate the drug discovery
process for our strategic partners and us.
current data indicate that there are 1100 differentially regulated genes
identified as being significantly modulated during human bone formation
(Figure 2). That is, genes that show average to low expression in control
cells are increased in the induced cells. Further Bioinformatic analysis
identified a number highly-modulated genes of interest in bone formation,
covering a wide array of physiologically relevant proteins (Figure 3.),
including transcription factors, Homeobox genes, Helix-loop-helix proteins,
etc. These genes are now being evaluated as potential therapeutics targets
that are important to bone formation.
Protein Expression Analysis. In order to confirm and extend its
gene expression analysis Velcura has developed a system to evaluate protein
changes during human bone formation. This field is referred to as Proteomics
- the analysis of global protein changes in a cell. Importantly, we are
using a combination of 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) and mass-spectrometry
to identify differentially modulated proteins (Figure 4). We have further
reduced the complexity of this system by fractionating human bone cells
into membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclear components. Currently, Velcura is
evaluating nuclear fractions of stimulated human bone cells, and has detected
a number of signaling proteins that are up-regulated, as well as a number
that are new or newly translocated in the nucleus of cells undergoing
bone formation. Next, these protein-spots are analyzed by mass-spectrometry.
High-Throughput Bioinformatics. Velcura's Bioinformatics
Program is developing sophisticated computer analysis tools and laboratory
information management programs to accelerate our development times. In
connection with our gene and protein analyses, our bioinformatics capabilities
allow a rapid, high-content understanding of bone formation at the molecular