
What is Velcura Therapeutics™, Inc.?
Velcura is biotechnology company that develops new and better therapies
for more than 100 million people around the world who now suffer from osteoporosis,
other bone diseases and fractures. The name “Velcura” comes
from the Latin words for “swift cure.”
What is osteoporosis?
It is a disease affecting more than 100 million people worldwide in which
the bones become extremely porous, are subject to fracture, and heal slowly.
The World Health Organization considers osteoporosis second only to cardiovascular
disease as an international health problem.
Who can benefit from the therapies being developed by Velcura Therapeutics,
Its novel therapies are needed by more than 200 million men and women who
are expected to suffer from osteoporosis and other bone disorders during
the next two decades as the population ages. Thinning bones (osteoporosis)
is a common problem for women after menopause and men in their late 70s.
How does Velcura Therapeutics’ approach to the problem differ
from others?
Many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are involved in research
to treat bone disorders, but most continue to focus on delaying bone loss.
By contrast, Velcura Therapeutics is focused on developing new therapies
to stimulate bone growth, and does so using human bone cells in a fast and
reliable system that allows Velcura to make bone in tissue culture dishes.
Does Velcura Therapeutics have any patents?
Yes, Velcura has patented technology and the ability to rapidly isolate
and analyze human bone cells. Its fast, reliable method for screening bone-forming
agents can greatly accelerate the drug discovery process.
Does Velcura Therapeutics collaborate with other interested parties?
Yes, Velcura Therapeutics welcomes and pursues strategic partnerships with
biopharmaceutical companies and others with a common mission.
Is Velcura Therapeutics, Inc. a publicly traded company?
No. A privately held company, Velcura Therapeutics, Inc. plans to raise
an institutional venture capital round sometime in 2004. |